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Aissatou: A father’s love.
In 2022 was not the first time that Ousmane had sought medical help for his daughter Aissatou.
Learning to eat: Cheikh’s story
"Life is hard... and if you have a child who was born without the ability to eat, even more so," Ndeye said.
The boy with the strong spirit: Serigne
In a village in northwestern Senegal, the name Serigne has great meaning.
Thanks for your support
It seems like yesterday that we started counting the days of the new year and we have already consumed half of it!
Gratitude. Hope. Transformation.
At the end of a year we tend to take stock of what has happened: Gratitude, Hope and Transformation.
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As volunteers on hospital ships, we travel to provide free world-class health services and safe surgical care. We are dedicated to strengthening local health systems, making a difference in communities with limited access to health.